I have been where you are. When my son was around 6 months old and had been sleeping through the night for a few weeks, one day out of no where he woke at 5am.
I didn’t know what to do.. I assumed he wasn’t hungry as he had been sleeping through for weeks before this. He wasn’t sick or teething. His schedule was perfect for his age. But he was wide awake and I couldn’t resettle him. There was no way I was ready to start our day at 5am so I brought him into our bed and we all went back to sleep until a more reasonable hour of the morning.
The next morning it happened again. And again and it started getting earlier and earlier. And after a few weeks he decided he was not going to go back to sleep at all, no matter what we did. So all of a sudden we found our days starting between 4:30-5am for almost 3 months. I started feeling anxious for my own bedtime, wondering how much earlier these wakes would get. It was completely demoralising and utterly exhausting.
The worst part about it all was that no one was talking about their own struggles with early rising and I couldn’t find any information anywhere on how to resolve it. But the more I opened up on social media & in mother’s groups, I quickly realised that I was definitely not alone.
As much as it saddens me that you’re struggling through this, I am glad that you’re here & you’re not alone. This course is for you from someone who knows how hard you’re trying and how much you need support to push through this phase of your child’s sleep. I have created this course to help you eliminate all the contributing factors that may be causing or reinforcing early wakes in your house. The aim is to have your child sleeping until passed 6am!